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Report on approaches to inclusive gender equality in research and innovation

Published on | 2 years ago

Programmes Enhancing EU R&I

This report from the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation from the European Commission presents findings from the project “External expertise to support the development of inclusive gender equality in research and innovation (R&I) strategy and contribution to the European Commission Task Force for Equality”. It aims to guide European Commission work with Member States and stakeholders to support the development of inclusive gender equality plans and policies in R&I, in line with the European Union’s commitment to open its R&I gender policies to intersections between gender and other social categories, such as ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation. The report recommends that policy makers, research funders, and research performing organisations build on prior gender equality actions to develop long term coordinated action to ensure equality and inclusion of marginalised groups in R&I. (from the back cover of the report)

The factsheet 'Towards inclusive gender equality in research and innovation' presents tips and good practices for R&I stakeholders to support the inclusion and equal opportunity of students, researchers and staff from diverse and marginalised backgrounds in European R&I systems

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image of ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

ScreenME - Enhancing excellence in screen media entrepreneurship

The Horizon2020 twinning project ScreenME has as its objective to enhance excellence in screen media entrepreneurship at Tallinn University (TLU). To do so, ScreenME has established a network of universities across Europe that aim to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry. ScreenME will develop a teaching course and will kick off research initiatives and projects on entrepreneurial activities in media organisations. The research group on ‘Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology (SMIT)’ of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is partner in the network and is involved in two cross-cutting activities of the project: support for early stage researchers and developing stakeholder involvement.