
Infosessions 'Strategic Goods Control department' (dCSG) on dual use and defence-related goods

Starts in 2 weeks from now


Online an 1 physical session

Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussel
Security Digital, Industry & Space Digital Europe Cybersecurity Defence EDF NATO-EDA Space

The Strategic Goods Control department is again organizing training courses so you can become acquainted with the subject matter.

There will be several sessions:

  • 3 sessions of the basic training in defence-related goods: online on Tuesday 25 March, Tuesday 24 June and Tuesday 7 October each time from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
  • 3 sessions of the basic dual use training, these will also take place online on February 25 and November 20 and there will also be a physical session on June 18 in our offices.

More info on the website of dCSG

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Only for stakeholders located in Flanders

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image of MareGraph - Towards an Interoperable Marine Knowledge Graph

MareGraph - Towards an Interoperable Marine Knowledge Graph

The MareGraph project, ‘Towards an Interoperable Marine Knowledge Graph’, obtained funding under the Digital Europe topic ‘OPEN-AI – Public Sector Open Data for AI and Open Data Platform’. The project will increase the semantic, technical, and legal interoperability of three selected high-valued datasets (HVDs) all maintained by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), which is one of the four partners of the project. This will allow the onboarding of essential marine datasets in the Common European Data Spaces. As such MareGraph will provide a structural component in the digital transition of the marine landscape. The numerous impacts of the project will benefit our seas globally in old and new ways to come.